Someone once said that we were attracted to each other because we both had this Darkness and in our relationships.
This is true. A severe lack of intimacy.
One of the deepest things he said before fucking me was "I wouldn't, be doing this if she ....
I hate this.... "
I did too. I wanted so much the closeness, just any sign of intimacy from my husband. Nothing.
So these little snippets of broght enormous joy, xhilaration to the heart of darkness.
I could paint, sing, life was good as long as there was the thought that even a slight possibility of his voice, or the sound of his truck going by might encroach my world.
I awoke this morning at peace. He is something that I will never regret .
The emence guilt, the enveloped us each time. For days afterwards. It can't surpass the the connection I felt. And will forever cherish.