Tuesday, January 14, 2014

FFF enjoy ..........

Word Limit: 300Bonus Words: +100 if you tell us your opinion on ObamaCare.Required Phrase: "First, do no harm"Forbidden Concept: Don't make it about blue balls.Extra Credit: Throw some medical mumbo jumbo in there

He liked the feel of panties, the smell and texture of of the fabric. Old elastic, cotton, silk
, natural is best.......it captures and preserves the sent so well. It's warm musty milk. old is rich and deep.
 When he was young, a teen. He caught the smells from his mother, but never made the connection. Then at last, while petting in the back seat of his car, he knew. He could smell it even in her skin  as he kissed her neck. "I must be a freak he thought to himself" In college the coed dorms gave ample opportunity to snatch a pair left in the laundry. It was great, even better if worn.

As he turned the corner to  room 125, he herd her moaning stepping back as therapy was in progress. No sign was up? What ever, when a teachable moment is there it just is. He lingered at the door. Nurse Jones has the most soft yet raw moans. He could smell her soft scent. Oops getting hard. Better move on.

It was after reading the Kinsey Report he knew his speciality was going to be Sex. But how could this be a science that anyone would back and pay for. Thank God for Obama Care. It opened up the doors for researchers to be funded on how sex is more than for procreation. And how it ties into brain heath, longevity, and emotional health. It is what connects us, what makes us human.

He headed for the break room. Ahhhh "Sarah" He sighed. "I need an orgasm .....STAT!!!!!!!!

.For juicy hot FFFfollow this link

1 comment:

Same sassy girl said...

Mmm.... so sexy! Great FFFing with you!