Saturday, October 3, 2015

In the tub

Sitting in rehearsal the wonderful can your voice vibrated across the back of my neck. It was like an awakening. I could feel my body getting warmer he was like my brain was melting and warm.

The universe must of shifted sending  a flow of energy  my way.
I received a text from a number that was not familiar to me. " do you remember a tall red headed man from your past?"
Of course  I did. He was my Get under to get over. A wonderful  fuck, kink, bondage, hours of fun.
But why was he writing me now after  4 years?
He missed me, I understood  him.
Really? I think I just tolerated  him.
"Would I like to get back together?"
Hmmm, I might have to think on it.


JFBreak said...

Interesting. And nice legs!

Seeking Connection said...

Thank you. It is interesting , but he is such high maintenance. He brings others into tge mix, and some are not easy to get along with.

Seeking Connection said...

Thank you. It is interesting , but he is such high maintenance. He brings others into tge mix, and some are not easy to get along with.

Advizor54 said...

Low maintenance good sex might be worth it, but the complications sound like they may bump him off the list. keep us posted.

GoodWill said...

Get under to get over...I like it.

Almost as much as I enjoy the glimpse of your legs! Lucky man who would get to slide into the tub next to you!

Seeking Connection said...

Thanks , tg2at really made my day. I am feeling frumpy. Just had my fitting at the Opera for my costume which is semi sexy I feel like I look a little bit yuck.

Seeking Connection said...

Thanks , tg2at really made my day. I am feeling frumpy. Just had my fitting at the Opera for my costume which is semi sexy I feel like I look a little bit yuck.