Sunday, May 18, 2014

Feeling shitty.

Husband is home. The mind games are unbelievable and maddening. 

Two days ago "hey let's stay at this place it is close to the theater."

Today." I can't get a ride to the theater. The shuttle say they don't go there" take a cab. The cab cab driver doesn't know where it is I just had him drop me off here" um. Can you walk?

"Yes but I can't remember where the theater is that I told you I knew where it was yesterday. "

OK so he asked if I could take him to the airport to get his car. Then said he would get it in the morning. Then said I am taking a cab to get my car because you don't want to be with me. Then said he wanted to go to dinner but intimated not with me.  Then started shouting how I am shucking and don't want to be with him.

I whipped out.

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