Monday, May 5, 2014

Blogger is not letting me respond to your comments.

Thank you for reading and hearing me. As I sit here it is still spring here in this part of Alaska. So I am coming out of hibernation in cabin fever. If I could just do that in a normal Alaskan fashion instead of some of the bullshit that goes on in my community would be very happy. I think the thing that really ticks me off about the last thing that I wrote about the crazy stuff. Is that in my life style I should be able to have my privacy in my affairs. Also my husband should have his privacy and whatever he chooses to do. Without people coming in and stirring the shit. And trying to attack and break apart my contract marriage whatever the f*** it is that I'm living in. Its just hard to go from being monogamous 2 whatever this is. I mean where are your standards of effects. It used to be that you never broke up another person's marriage you didn't even think about messing around with somebody's husband or boyfriend or even somebody who is interested in somebody never got between that. And now here I am f****** around with married man but there has to be a standard. Where you don't mess with their primary relationship. I mean I have feelings and I tried to stay up until the fat so that I'm not being jealous or forward or interfering or having delusional fantasies about leaving my husband for somebody else and taking away somebody else's husband I mean there has to be some point of ethical demeanor.  
Now I am talking crazy.

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