Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sorry for not writing

End of the year chores. Campaign duties await...I won my primary! Ending up with 7votes from a district where 30% voted out 12000. With the vote split between 3people. signs are going down on the highway leaving very few of my competitors.  It's looking promising.
Plus one of our US Senator's mom droped in and gave me a hefty check and a congratulations.  She said it I was brave for running and in a district so conservative. 
It's fun to do the interviews with groups wanting to endorse me. I answer all questions with candor.  And yes I throw in an f bomb here and there.
Like "women's vaginas should not be politicized. ...we should fuck who we want when we want"
Just slipped it in so to speak.
"How will I handle the conservative women in Juneau. ..and men.
"When I walk into the room you will be able to hear  scrotal sacks shivering as testicles retreat to their abdomen. "
No, I said something about finding common ground to work toward  bi partisan solutions.
The husband is home for two weeks no sex. Real sex anyway.
I decided to give in to some duty sex. I wanted to puke.
And smell afterward lasts for days. Why doesn't this happen with others. Condoms perhaps.  But je has to be the most stinky fuck I have ever had.
The daily insults don't help my libido.  I decided to say after each ine " there goes my erection"

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