Thursday, May 18, 2017

There's been a change in plans

He came back. It will be s trail separation. Or something like that.   She will stay in the lower 48, he here. Resuming his same route.

I did miss him. As much as I denied it.

It felt like tangled thread, broken glass.

I couldn't think my way through it, make it not real.

There is something, 

When or if I figure it out I will let you know.

Friday, May 12, 2017

The husband skipped taking his meds for 3 weeks

It was back to crazy.  Everyday holding my breath, and not reacting to his behavior. 

It was good and bad. It shuts him down when there us no response,  but I live on egg shells, trying to not engage. But it takes less time to recover once he is out of the house.
He is back to work for a short time.
The house stays clean, and less Kaos.

Watched another family, friend leave the state this week.  It's heart breaking to see them go. The job loss here is unbelievable, creating a mass migration south.