Friday, July 1, 2022

FFF Flash Fiction Friday Hot summer day

                                               word limit 95-99 295-299

                                               key word  open closed 

                                               forbidden words spread   shut

Here goes. 

Facebook post  "Fuck me .....I am so Hot" 

Of course this is accompanied by a photo of the temperature gage in my car.

Never gets that hot here. The sky is smoky from near by fires. Life is slow, not interested in much. Soul searching. What dreams have I chased, for what reason, other than to make shit happen. Not anything for me, wrong motivations I guess. 

Why did I really want to learn any of the shit in my head?

Keeping from me? What was wrong with me? Just me, naked, a soul, a spirit, wild and free. Buried.

"I am  dripping wet" I post in frustration.

Very quickly a response in my messenger " yes you are hot, and I really want to fuck you"

It has been so long since.....

I remember his voice in an instant.

His touch on my ass, slipping up my skirt.

His lips on my neck.

I slip away in his words. 

For more flash fiction Friday 

Free Advice is Worth What 

you Pay For It blogspot,com


Max said...

Awesome! So glad you're playing. I'll post a new prompt on Monday.
Happy FFF!

Same sassy girl said...

So wonderful to see your post! Adore you took a B&W photo and added local color.
Happy FFF! -Sassy

Seeking Connection said...

So nice to be back Hanging with the gang.

Naughty Lexi said...

Woot! Fresh meat! I'm late to the party but I really liked the ending of this one.